Anne Harmsen on KNZ salt licks
Anne Harmsen of mts. Harmsen from Apeldoorn runs, together with his wife and brother, the dairy farm with 80 dairy cattle and their young cattle. When the season is right, the cows just roam the fields and in the evenings they go to the stable, where they receive their standard ration of maize, grass, concentrate, minerals and salts.
Free acces to salt and minerals
They have been using KNZ's licks on the farm from early on. The salt licks are hung in the pasture and close to the automatic feeder using the specially designed holders, giving the cows full access to salt and minerals.
"Always exactly the right amount of salt and mineral"
An essential part of their diet
Did you know that salt and minerals are an essential part of a dairy cow's diet? Dairy cows lose a relatively large amount of salt through milk production. This can quickly lead to deficiencies. Cows with a salt deficiency lose their appetite, grow less and can even lose weight. These cows are less healthy and the salt and mineral deficiency also reduces productivity.
Prevent salt deficiency
Cows with a salt deficiency actively look for salt and minerals in their surroundings. You can recognize these cows by their need to lick and nibble on different materials in the stable, such as wood, steel, the ground, etc. Cows will sometimes also lick each other. "I never worry about salt and mineral deficiencies in my cows," says Harmsen. "My cows always consume exactly the right amount of salt and minerals thanks to KNZ salt licks.

Also read
Dairy farmer Prawes from Thailand: “We believe in the quality of KNZ”
Justine van der Meij on KNZ Licks
KNZ Class with Roy
Jan-Jaap Verweij (Jacob’s Farm) on KNZ licks
Eric Pottier on KNZ salt licks for sheep
Paula Koomen on KNZ salt licks
Eric Pottier on KNZ salt licks for cows
Andrea Ruitenberg about KNZ licks
KNZ Customer service
Boortorenweg 101
7554 RS Hengelo
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)74-8080900
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